Centering prayer 1440 x 408 px

Cultivating a Life of Prayer

A way to deepen our relationship with God — to open one’s mind and heart and whole being — to God.

Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer is a method of prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer. It is an attempt to present the teaching of earlier times in an updated form and is a movement beyond conversation with Christ to communion with him. This prayer of silence allows us to respond to the Spirit of Christ by consenting to God’s presence and action within. It does not replace other kinds of prayer, but casts new light and depth of meaning on them.

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative Prayer is the opening of mind and heart — our whole being — to God. Mature fruits of this prayer are a deeper caring response to the needs and rights of our human family and a deep respect for the integrity of all of God’s creation. It tends to build communities of faith and bond the members together in mutual friendship and love.

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