About CPC

Our history
Madison’s CPC is over 170 years old. Originally located a block off of the Capitol Square, CPC is now in its third facility overlooking Lake Mendota. CPC is committed to being centered in Christ, rooted in the Presbyterian and Reformed traditions, and worshipping as an ecumenical fellowship of people from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Get to know us better
Our local and global efforts to make God’s love real include our founding relationship with Pres House, the investment in the education of children from Mendota Elementary and hosting international students with MIP to name a few.
At the center of our work is a commitment to ministries of compassion and justice.
We are fortunate to have an incredibly talented, caring and passionate staff. Learn more about each of our staff, deacons and elders and their roles within CPC.
Connect with us on Church Center
Meet Our Staff and EldersOur vision
“Christ Presbyterian Church envisions a world that is loving and inclusive. We unite with God to be a worshiping community without barriers, a sanctuary for all. We seek to follow Jesus by doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.”
Our Values
We seek to extend God’s love and grace as we nurture deep friendships with one another across generations, races, genders, loves and abilities.
We humbly approach the mysteries of faith and complexities of life through continual learning. We encourage questions and curiosity.
We honor one another as a community where diversity of thought, worship, and experience is respected; silence and sharing hold equal values; and there is safety in vulnerability.
Listening to the Spirit, we study scripture, worship, pray, and discern, for our individual and mutual spiritual growth and the transformation of the world.
Following Jesus, we seek to be people who give of our time, talent and resources to build a more just world in our local and global communities.
Following God’s call to care for the earth, we take measures to live sustainably and pursue systemic change to bring healing to the planet.
Areas of Call
Our strategic priorities inspired by God and the voice of the congregation
- Worship
- Diverse & Inclusive Culture
- Christian Witness
- Care of Creation
- Spiritual Nurture & Development
- Creative Arts
- Children & Youth

A beautiful and inviting space along the shores of Lake Mendota
Our recently renovated building offers many spaces for use. Visit our facilities page to learn more about our spaces, view pictures and request spaces for your needs.
FacilitiesOur partner organizations
We are proud to partner with a number of organizations to better serve our community. Below are just a few of the organizations who we call friends.