Navy and Teal

Investing in God’s community

We are called to respond to the many blessings God has given each of us by returning a portion of these blessings to support the work of Jesus in and through our church to the wider community. 

In 1 Chronicles 29:14, King David acknowledges, For all things come from you, and of your own have we given you.” Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6 to invest what has been given to us in meaningful pursuits by saying Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

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Ways to Give Beyond Annual Pledges

How to Remember Christ Presbyterian Church with a Stewardship Gift

What Is a Stewardship Gift to CPC?

A Stewardship gift can help express your deepest values andserve as an extension of your spiritual practice. Through such stewardship, you can create the kind of legacy you would like to leave at Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC).

Direct your gift to one of CPC’s Stewardship Funds:

Fund Stewardship is a vital component of the ministry of Christ Presbyterian Church. A family of Stewardship Funds exists to support and further the ministry of Christ Presbyterian Church by accepting, investing, and appropriately dispersing gifts from members and friends of the church.

A gift to be used immediately:

• Legacy Fund – Supports CPC’s special needs and ministry opportunities at the discretion of the Session.o Since its founding in the late 1940s, the Legacy Fund has been used to provide matching funds for the renewal of our campus in 1986, 1990, and 2012. It has served many of the congregation’s local, national, and international mission partners including Habitat for Humanity, The Road Home, Big Brothers Big Sisters, World Vision Rwanda, Fairhaven School in El Saray, Egypt; Voz Del Desierto Church in Mexico. The Legacy Fund also helped launch Madison International Partners and Community Immigration Law Center.

A gift to be used in perpetuity:

• Endowment Fund – Provides church members and friends with a means to contribute to CPC and its mission for generations to come.o Founded in 2022, up to four percent of the Endowment Fund’s balance can be distributed annually with consultation from Session. The Fund is dedicated solely to support CPC mission projects. The Fund is managed by a board of trustees consisting of four members of the congregation (including a Session member) plus the senior pastor

A gift to meet the specific needs of the CPC community:

• Scholarship Fund – Offers financial awards to members of CPC who are pursuing education in a post-secondary institution (university, college seminary, junior college, or technical school). Overseen by CPC’s Scholarship Committee. Give Now.

• Compassion Fund – Helps with special financial needs of members and long-term friends of CPC. Overseen by the CPC’s Board of Deacons. Give Now.

• Cornerstone Fund – Provides funding for upkeep of buildings, grounds, equipment, furniture, fixtures and like expenditures beyond the scope of the annual operating budget of the church. Overseen by CPC’s Building and Grounds Committee. Give Now.

• Memorial Funds – Assists specific CPC missions as directed by the donor. Recent examples include memorials for children’s ministry, CPC gardens, and music.

How Can I Participate?

• Bequests – You can remember the ministry of Christ Presbyterian Church in your will or associated trust.

• Memorials and Special Gifts – Gifts of any amount may be made at any time in memory of loved ones, in honor of others, in celebration of special events, in thanksgiving for God’s goodness.

How Are Stewardship Gifts Received?

Contact the church office at info@​cpcmadison.​org or 608.257.4845