
On December 1, we enter the season of Advent — the time of waiting to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Join us as we reflect on the ever coming presence of Christ. In addition to weekly Sunday worship, we offer Wednesday Advent Vespers.

Advent Wreath Weekly Slides 720 x 616 px

Surprised by Hope

Often, just when we think we have things figured out and we know how to prepare for what’s coming, something knocks us off center. To be sure, not all surprises are good news, but the surprising journey of Advent ends with a divine gift: God replanting us in the landscape of hope. We hope you’ll join us for this Advent journey and the beautiful gift of Christmas.

December 1: Surprised by HOPE

December 8: Surprised by PEACE

December 15: Surprised by JOY
9am and 11am services with message from Pastor Jessica. Celebration Ringers Handbell Choir at 11am.

December 22: Surprised by LOVE
9am and 11am services with message from Pastor Will.

Sunday Announcement Slide 16

Wednesday Advent Vespers

6pm Soup Dinner, 7pm Worship. Childcare is available from 6 – 8pm for ages 0 – 6. There will be worship supportive activities for kids and any busy hands in the sanctuary. Our Advent Vespers theme is Light Dawns on a Weary World.

December 4WATCH
December 11WAIT
December 18WONDER


Christmas Eve - Tuesday, December 24

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Contemporary Worship

Join us for a contemporary Christmas Eve worship experience, complete with an unrehearsed kids’ pageant, communion and candle light.
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Classical Worship

Join us for a classical Christmas Eve worship experience that will feature carols, communion and candle light led by organ, strings and choir.
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The Giving Tree

The look of the Church has changed for the season and the Giving tree is up in the Gathering Hall outside of the Sanctuary. Learn more about how you can support these strategic mission partners through this decades old CPC tradition.

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Advent Devotionals

Our pastors have recommended the following resources to help us walk through this season of waiting.

Advent Devotional Jessica

Words for the Beginning by Sanctified Art

Read, look, and sing your way through the pages of this devotional at your own pace throughout the Advent season. Each week offers art, reflections, poetry, and hymns. The devotional features biblical commentary by Kayla Craig, and art and reflections by Rev. Nicolette Peñaranda. Hard copies available at church!

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Advent Devotionals 1

Boundless: An Anti-Colonial Advent Devotional

In many ex-colonies and countries masquerading as free, the prevailing belief is that European colonialism’s chief aim was to spread Christianity. But in some places, being Christian has been ironically recast as a betrayal of the homeland — a symbol of colonial oppression. This devotional will run through Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. Daily Prayers will guide us through this journey.

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Advent Devotionals

The Weary World Rejoices by Kate Bowler

Advent is a time of waiting, holding our breath with the tension of a promise glimpsed, but not yet fulfilled. The Weary World Rejoices invites us to lean into this waiting with eyes and hearts wide open to what it means to live with hope now. It is available for free below or through kate​bowler​.com/​a​d​vent/.

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